In this eBook you will find 5 recipes of different flavors, in addition to the possibility of creating different flavors.
Nuts and white and dark chocolate
Oreos and chocolate
Peanuts, white chocolate and vanilla cookies
Marshmallows, dark chocolate
Macadamias, chocolate and coffee
This is the most effective technique to achieve a great crispy cookie on the outside and soft on the inside.
Ingredients, procedures, baking method, tips, conservation, and packaging.
All in one eBook, the best-kept secrets, you will find them.

All the recipe books contain the recommended ingredients, the processes, the baking method, each eBook has different flavors:
In this cookbook (5 flavors)
- Super Dark Chocolate (a delicious chocolate cookie with extra-chocolate)
- Red Velvet
- Oatmeal and raisins
- Pumpkin spice chocolate chips
- Carrot and Chocolate Chips
- 3 Amazing Stuffing Recipes
This is the most effective technique to achieve a great cookie that is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
All in one E-book, the secrets

7 recipes of different flavors as well as the possibility of creating new flavors, contents of this recipe book:
Instructions before you begin
Recommended Ingredients
Conservation and packaging
Super plain cookie this is also a base recipe, to create many flavors
Pistachio & Choco Chips Cookie Recipe
Crumble Topping recipe
Crumbly Cinnamon cookie recipe
Marbled Giant Cookie recipe (two flavors in one)
Guava Giant Cookie recipe
Ferrero Giant Cookie – Recipe Filled
The Most Effective Technique

This is the merger of the three eBooks
The content of eBook
- Walnuts and Choco Chips
- Super Dark Chocolate (a delicious chocolate cookie with extra-chocolate)
- Marshmallows dark choco chips
- Peanuts, choco chips and vanilla cookies
- Red Velvet
- Oatmeal and raisins
- Pumpkin spice chocolate chip
- Carrot and Chocolate Chip
- Oreo Chocolate Chips
- Macadamias, coffee and chocolate chips
- Plain cookie is also a base for many more recipes
- Cinnamon Cookie Recipe
- Super Plain for Plumper Cookies
- Pistachio & Choco Chips Cookie recipe
- Crumble Topping recipe
- Crumbly Cinnamon cookie recipe
- Marbled Giant Cookie Recipe
- Guava Giant Cookie recipe
- Ferrero Giant Cookie Recipe
- Filled